Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New things.

Have a new haircut.
It's Nicole short. I love Nicole. She's so beautiful.
Nicole was in Australia last week and i was at home studying instead of stalking her. If I were on holidays i would actually try and find her :( *sigh*

Have a new Holga. Been taking pictures with it. It arrived a while ago but I haven't had a real chance to play with it. Fixed it up on Friday with my dad and we made it 35mm friendly. Shame youtube shame for not telling me batteries fall out and roll around. It ruined some good sunny pics. Oh well. That's lomo for you. Can't wait for the summer to start and real whoring to begin

brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favourite things.

I got into my desired vacation project. First preference and all. I'm a loser but am really happy I got in :) I got in I got in.
Means I dont need to find a job I know I'm going to leave.

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