It's been ages since I spammed this board so I thought I'd add a letter of complaint that I wrote to my uni for being soaked through (stupid uni graduates thinking they need a muckup day)
Subject: | My frustration |
Date: | Thu, 04 Oct 2007 21:38:45 +1000 |
From: | Stranger_danger
To: | studentadmin
Bcc: | my awesome friends that would care
Not to sure if I am addressing this to the right person but I'd like to
make a complaint about the school actions (or lack of) today as the Grad
07 students embarked on a bullying system against other students.
First of all, what a ludicrous idea that fourth year students who would
be around the age of 21/22 years old would find it necessary to get
dressed up in bright fluoro and attack each other (and other students),
it's beyond me.
Secondly, I would have much appreciated some form of warning about the
day and the possibility (the mere possibility, the slightest possibility)
that I would end up involved in a water first (unwillingly) with OLDER
STUDENTS WHO I HAVE NEVER MET BEFORE. I cannot comprehend why anyone
would want during their sparse breaks that they do have to be squirted
with water and then when asking the squirting party to stop only have
more graduates bullying them. I DONT CARE FOR THESE ANTICS AND ALSO DO
LIKE THIS. (Why won't they stop. Don't they understand its a violation of
my rights. I really wanted to tell them off more but it didn't work the
first time so how much wetter would I have wanted to get)
I have never been so disappointed in an institution in my life and don't
appreciate turning up to uni on a semi-cold day to have two or more
layers of my clothing wet through to the point of having to sit in a cold
lecture theatre for two hours without any other form of warmth but a
tshirt. I wear many layers as I'm not good with the cold. I do not
appreciate my possessions being wet and destroyed. I do not appreciate my
birthday present (a leather bag my friends gave me) to be ruined
completely as fourth year students feel the need to wet us for the fun of
it. Who is going to front the bill and pay for it to be replaced?
Obviously they're not. I'm going to have to and not only will I lose the
sentiment, I will have lost a lot of money to replace it.
I hate the fact that I feel like I've been bullied by the fourth years,
people who I have never met in my life, destroying my items and leaving
me feeling cold miserable and depressed for the rest of the day. I am not
being dramatic I assure you, this isn't a matter of that. This is an
issue where I feel isolated, abused and bullied in a situation that could
have been more controlled.
I do not appreciate not being able to walk from one building to another
without being attacked. I do not appreciate having to walk all the way
upstairs from one building just to get to the next when I wanted to be on
the lower floor anyway. I do not appreciate that a present was ruined by
the uni's lack of actions. I hate that I pay school fees to attend an
otherwise great uni only to find that I'm wasting even more money to try
and fix something that has been destroyed by the lack of action the uni
has shown.
I don't mind if I had a bit of pre-warning. I would have brought more
clothes (BUT THIS IS WHAT I DID IN high school, brought a different bag,
heck I might not have felt the need to take a shower (as they would have
given me a good washing anyway). But to turn up to school thinking it was
a normal day and to be attacked is sure not fair. What if someone had
work? What if someone was going to a job interview? What if someone had a
date? What if someone (like my friends and I) just wanted to sit in the
sun during the only break they had for the one day in peace without being
bombarded with water randomly.
I also heard banter that non-aqueus substances were used... milk, fish
sauce on clothes and people. NOT SO PLEASANT.
I'm really sorry you had to read all that, but I'm definitely not the
first person who was annoyed at todays outcome. While some people enjoyed
the fun and games I am sure my friends and I didn't enjoy i so much.
Having a head cold isn't that great when you're trying to learn about
heterocyclic chemistry. Not so fun when you're limited with time to get
from one lecture theatre to the prac rooms + lockers where the
"attackers" were.
JeNnn ; damn 4th yrs!!!!!!!!!!!! says: (9:25:31 PM)
A girl wearng a very pretty coat was completely soaked waist down...
who's going to pay for HER dry cleaning bill.
Next time the uni allows such a thing, I (and I am sure other students)
would appreciate a little notice, or even some reconsidering. I was
fearful going anywhere in case of water attack and really didn't enjoy
today :(
(Please feel free to write back in defence, as I would love to hear how
rational/irrational I may have just sounded... sorry once again)
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