Monday, November 26, 2007

books + bathers.

what a fantastic day on bonding with my mother.
it was my first chanel outing and it felt good.
it's so pretty and it still has that new leather smell.. too bad i just chucked it on the ground to live until im unlazy enough to move it.
i bought new bathers today and i lurve them. they're bright red ad they're gail s-something bathers from the dft range. i didn't really like them at first but tried them on (cos they were only 29$) and really liked them. they're ruffly and really cute.
The black one piece is also really cute (bought that for mummmy). wanted to buy the purpe shift but i tried it on again and decided i didn't like it anymore.
had grilld for lunch and it was so filling. miss that stuff.
bought 3 books
- Atonement
- Suite francaise
- Half of yellow sun
now need to find time to read these.

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