Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Starting things off...

First blogs are always the most fun. I love the fact that the internet can open the world to your own personal space and your personal thoughts. The randonmess of people reading about your life and actually finding it interesting. I don't mind strangers reading but I find it really interesting how they come back and WANT to learn about your life etc etc. The majority of the time, this will be me bitching about my life. I'll be tagging these annoying posts, so ignore at own will. Other times I'll be talking about life/entertainment/electronics/uni. Feeling like the uber geek.
Sometimes, I'll be writing open letters to people. I'll try and keep anonominity where I can but I might slip up in times. Sometimes if you're really lucky you're gonna get a video blog :)

So intro:
username - another perk of being me, coming up with strange nicknames for people. this one i realised is from an architecture in helinski song.
age - currently 20 years 3/4 months and a day old :)
origin - yes. I am asian and proud :)
loves - geeks, electronic goods, fashion, chemistry, leadership roles, the sun
hates - ppl as stubborn as me, cold weather, lazy people who are detrimental, silence
currently awaiting - tash's present (part 2), new polishes, results for midsemesters, result from vacation project applications

signing off.

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