Friday, July 18, 2008

World of Lomography

It started with a slight obsession with taking photos.
I want to capture the moment sometimes.
Sometimes memories aren't enough. Visuals can help trigger the good times.

Digi cams are good. They're fine.
They do the job, but until I get an SLR I'm happy playing with lomograph.
Holga 120 with flash is fun but gets annoying since I can't print the photos yet.

THEN came along little mysticblu3 and her smashing 21st present to me
(see the hint in this photo):

Yes sir-eee bob, a fisheye. In bright blue!
Just uploaded my photos from my first ever lomography prints - yess they're not fab as I was getting used to the settings/lighting/best way to take the photos :-) :

(My girly wall of photos. It's literally a load of photos on string tied onto a curtain rod suspended high)

(I've always had an obsession with babushka dolls... they're so sweet)

(Along the Yarra in the city.)

In summary:
my new fisheye makes me happy in the pants.

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